As a global product engineering and lifecycle services company we have been working on making advancements in the Healthcare domain, by providing innovative solutions to our clients. One of our robust AI-powered solution enables healthcare professionals to accelerate the screening of COVID-19 patients with pneumonia symptoms. Using advanced deep learning models, the AI-powered diagnostic solution can sort and identify chest X-rays of patients with COVID-19.
With an accuracy of more than 95%, the solution can be deployed on the cloud as a service, making it easily accessible on edge for healthcare professionals and end-users. The solution is backed by Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, which helps accelerate the development and deployment on machine learning models in a highly secure and trusted fashion.
The Medical Devices engineering team at QuEST developed this technology demonstrator using chest X-rays of healthy individuals, patients with symptoms of pneumonia and COVID-19. These X-rays were used to train and build a deep neural network model that could clearly identify the radiological patterns of pneumonia related to COVID-19 and highlight the suspicious ones, thus leading to a faster screening of the disease.
Over the last ten years, under QuEST Global CSR (#SmileEngineering), volunteers from QuEST have conducted workshops, and upgraded physics lab, chemistry lab, library, sports room in schools. With the help of #EWB (Engineers Without Borders) a well-equipped computer lab has been setup in a local School in Bengaluru. Each year, we award cash prizes to the toppers in grade 8t, 9 & 10 and have been supporting graduating students to pursue engineering degrees with annual scholarships.
My Kartavya (my duty), is a unique curated volunteering program by NASSCOM Foundation, that connects the Industry bodies to Non-profit organisations to create a better social impact. This gives our volunteers a plethora of opportunities to choose from
At QuEST, we encourage employees to dedicate their free time for a noble cause. Through My Kartavya and other such initiatives, we help them find a complete gamut of volunteering activities, such as
Advocacy for Good: Help point out policy level changes and work towards their sensitization
Somos Quest Global Nuestro negocio se basa en la ingeniería, pero lo que realmente estamos construyendo es un futuro más brillante. Lo que nos hace diferentes no es sólo lo que hacemos, sino por qué lo hacemos. Creemos que la ingeniería representa una oportunidad única de resolver los problemas de hoy que se interponen en el camino del mañana. Llevamos 25 años esforzándonos constantemente por ser el partner de máxima confianza para afrontar los problemas de ingeniería más difíciles a nivel mundial. Somos una organización global con sede en Singapur, vivimos y trabajamos en 18 países, contamos con 78 centros de entrega globales, y nos impulsan más de 20.000 empleados extraordinarios que todos los días hacen posible lo imposible.
Quest Global aporta un profundo conocimiento de la industria y experiencia digital con el fin de ofrecer servicios de Ingeniería de producto global E2E. Aportamos tecnologías e industrias y, junto con las contribuciones de diversas personas y sus áreas de especialización, mejoramos y agilizamos la resolución de problemas. Este enfoque multi-dimensional nos permite responder a los desafíos más importantes y a gran escala en las industrias Aeroespacial y de Defensa, Automotriz, Energética, Alta Tecnología, Asistencia Sanitaria, Dispositivos Médicos, Ferroviaria y de Semiconductores.
© 2025 QuEST Global
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