
Entregas sobresalientes, un equipo multi-rol, formación interna, y un envidiable ambiente de trabajo; así es el equipo de Tech Pubs

El equipo de Publicaciones Técnicas de Quest Global constituye uno de los más experimentados de esta empresa y, por qué no decirlo, también del sector. En 2003, la entonces Interface Ibérica que en 2012 pasó a formar parte de Quest Global, ya trabajaba para uno de los principales fabricantes de aeronaves mundiales, con un pequeño

El equipo de Quest Global que está trabajando en la mejora de la eficiencia de los Registros Civiles, aplicando Lean Management

En 2021, el Ministerio de Justicia puso en marcha un nuevo modelo de Registro Civil con el objetivo de hacerlo más ágil y cercano a la ciudadanía. Este modelo, que contempla una gran transformación digital, ya se ha implantado en 88 de los 431 partidos judiciales que existen en España, y se encuentra en fase

Juan Luis Casal y María Neira, los Questians que han participado en el proyecto de las 62 jackets de Navantia-Windar para Iberdrola

El 18 de septiembre, un buque con tres jackets salía del astillero de Fene, hacia el parque eólico marino de Iberdrola en Saint Brieuc, Francia. Se trata de las tres últimas jackets de las 62 que Navantia, ha construido junto a Windar Renovables, y que supone el mayor proyecto de eólica marina de la historia

How Technology is Making the World a Cleaner Place!

We live in a time filled with paradoxes: Collectively, we know far more than perhaps all the generations that preceded us combined, and yet individually we have far more unanswered questions than ever before. We have more capacity to solve problems than our forebears could have possibly imagined, and yet new challenges arise at such

Engineers of Quest Global – Sindhu’s Story

My passion for solving the hardest engineering problems ironically started by being surrounded by doctors. Hi, I am Sindhu Ramachandran, and this is my Engineers of Quest Global story. While growing up, most of my relatives and neighbors were doctors, and I  was fascinated by their approach to their profession. I’d often ask them, ‘why

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Sustenance Factory by Quest Global

Empowering customers overcome worldwide silicon crisis The pandemic-led supply chain/logistics disruption resulted in silicon delays (digital, analog, mixed and discrete), premature or forced end-of-life for components and higher procurement cost, leading to a loss of revenue and market share for products. The losses to silicon chip shortages were staggering, vis-a-vis lost production, time and market

Leverage the power of Custom SoCs with Quest Global

With product cycles shrinking globally, designing a System on Chip (SoC) is key to differentiating consumer products and experiences with chip-based features. Hence, a steady increase in the number of large companies (Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Tesla) designing their own chipsets. The most notable include Apple’s M1 Processor, which now resides on the latest

Choosing the right LCNC platform: Insights and Best Practices

Today, Low Code-No Code (LCNC) platforms are getting a lot of attention. Many new players are stepping into the market day by day. One can easily get confused about which one to consider for their specific needs. All these platforms differ, not only in terms of features and functionality, but also in their level of

My 17 year Born to Engineer Journey with QuEST

The ups, downs and everything in-between – Karthikeyan Munusamy   My journey at QuEST started after I completed my studies from Hindustan College of Engineering, Chennai in the year 1997. As a young engineer, all that mattered to me was to make my mark in the industry. I first started as a shift engineer in

Digital Performance Twinning: Coming of Age

A recent Gartner report states that the global market for digital twin was ~$3bn in 2020 and is set to increase to ~$50bn by 2026. This figure is expected to increase further as companies realise the true potential of the digital twin. In layman’s terms, a digital twin is a virtual representation of a real-world